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  • Writer's pictureThư Phạm (Helen)

05 valuable things I bought in 2023 to help myself grow

Here are my valuable purchases! Let's embark on a journey to explore the items that have brought me immense value and contributed to my personal growth. From practical tools to enriching experiences, these purchases have made a positive impact on my life.

1, Samsung Tablet

One of the valuable purchases I made in 2023 was a Samsung tablet. I found it incredibly helpful for taking notes while reading books or attending meetings. The tablet also served as a great tool for brainstorming ideas and quickly jotting down any new thoughts that came to mind. I particularly recommend using the Samsung Notes app, which made note-taking and organization a breeze.

My Samsung S6 Lite

2, Concert Tickets

Another purchase that brought immense joy and personal growth in 2023 was buying tickets to two concerts: the Blackpink Born Pink Concert and the VCT Nguoi Binh Thuong concert. I have always had a deep love for live music, and this year I had the surreal experience of attending the Blackpink concert in Singapore in May. Being able to see my favorite artists perform in person was truly a dream come true. Additionally, I also attended the VCT concert in October and was captivated by her incredible voice and the energy of the crowd. Investing in these concert tickets allowed me to appreciate the talent of great artists and create unforgettable memories while connecting with fellow fans.

VCT Nguoi Binh Thuong Concert in Oct 2023

3, HSK - Chinese Language Learning Books

As part of my personal growth journey, I made the decision to learn another language, Chinese. In addition to watching movies and immersing myself in Mandarin pop culture, I took a serious approach to learning Chinese by using HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) books. Although learning from books may not always be comfortable or easy, I found these books to be incredibly helpful in progressing to higher levels of proficiency in Chinese. The journey of learning a new language is a long one, but I am determined not to give up and continue on this exciting path of personal growth.

My HSK book

4, Omega-3 Supplements

Recognizing the strain on my eyes from working long hours on screens, I became more conscious about taking care of my eye health. One purchase that made a significant difference was investing in Omega-3 supplements. These supplements have been known to support eye health and prevent the progression of narrow vision. Since incorporating them into my daily routine, I have noticed a positive impact, as my vision has not worsened. I highly recommend considering Omega-3 supplements for anyone looking to prioritize their eye health and overall well-being. Remember, taking care of our health should always be a priority.

I use this one to take care of my eyes

5, VieON TV Subscription

In my quest to learn Chinese, I discovered that VieON TV was more suited to my needs compared to other streaming platforms like Netflix. VieON offers a variety of Chinese content that has been invaluable in my language learning journey. Not only did I set up a subscription for myself, but I also arranged it for my mom, who has developed a deep fondness for Chinese films available on the platform. The absence of ads has enhanced her viewing experience, and I can tell that she genuinely enjoys using VieON. Seeing her happiness and being able to share this platform with her brings me immense joy.

My VieON TV Subscription

These purchases have brought me immense value, and I'm delighted with the impact they've had on my personal growth. Looking ahead to 2024, I'm excited to explore new and intriguing purchases that will continue to enhance my life. I can't wait to see what fascinating and exciting items I'll discover next year, whether it's cutting-edge technology, inspiring books, unique travel experiences, or unexpected treasures. The possibilities are endless, and I'm eager to embrace the opportunities that lie ahead in 2024 for further personal growth and fulfillment.

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